Why Trenchless is a Long-Term Solution

Technician Conducting CIPP Pipe Lining

Sloan’s Septic Tank Service is the leading provider of trenchless pipe repair in Lansing, MI. We have served and earned the trust of Lansing home and property owners with award-winning customer service and quality products. This is why we highly recommend trenchless methods for pipe rehabilitation needs.

Here are some of the benefits that make it the ideal long-term solution:

Lower Overall Cost

Trenchless methods are preferred because they are much more cost-effective compared to traditional repairs. Having a trenchless sewer replacement procedure, for instance, can be done in one day without digging up your yard and it leaves you with a sturdy sewer line.

Minimal Disruption

Since there is minimal digging involved in trenchless services, you won’t need to put your busy schedule on hold. A trenchless pipe lining procedure won’t leave you with a dug-up lawn that will need to be fixed.

Lasting Pipe Lines

Trenchless pipe repair procedures can leave you with pipe lines that can service you for many years to come. This, of course, will still be subjected to factors such as frequency of use as well as how well you stick to your maintenance routines.

Given our dedication to quality customer care, Sloan’s Septic Tank Service has become Lansing’s go-to company for trenchless pipe repair. We provide the highest quality of service and materials in the area. Contact us today to schedule a trenchless repair procedure!